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This game is a well-executed example of how to condense the intricacies of a typical 4x game into the length of a lunch break. It's got enough going on that despite the intended short duration, I'm playing many games back to back. Would love to see CivHero on steam.☺

Thank you!  Your comment makes me happy.  :)  I intend to bring the game to Steam, and the delay is just that this is a side project for me, but comments like this help motivate me to work on it!

it won't work

I really dig this game, it's such a simple, satisfying and addictive version of what is usually a complicated and time-consuming genre. I've found myself returning to it when I need to kill some time for months now. Great job at making something familiar but uniquely approachable!

Thanks so much!  Your description is exactly what I was shooting for!



(1 edit)

Hmm...  Yeah, that's odd!  Why isn't that top one a full 2 swords?  I'll look into it. 

Edit:  I can't repro this at all.  Any idea what's causing it?  From what I can see, you ought to have 2 full harvest dots in the upper image and 4 in the lower.  Nobody's competing for those swords.

I get it any time I build 2 or more collectors on a resource

1 collector is okay


Very helpful!  Thanks for following up.  Turns out it's a rounding error, and happens if you wrap around like that and have 3 claims on one resource.  This is a display bug only, and won't change how many resources you actually get.  In any case, it's fixed, so it'll be in the next published version (not sure when).  Thanks!

Love how this distills things down - excellent game and great replayability; the only quarm I would have is the ability to steal resources from cities though sometimes this is a life saver when all the AIs make a beeline towards me and take all of the good spots near me forcing me to explore the whole place to get anything at all - needless to say this is rather rough going... could do with the other players doing more of their own thing - or maybe they are and just have a bias in one direction which sometimes interacts with my spawn direction to give this impression? *shrug*

Great anyways :)


Thank you!   The AI doesn't specifically target you or your space - they just wander learning about the world and then deciding the best place to put something.  When there are a lot of AI and not a lot of space, they're just also likely to find the good spots you want for yourself.  :)  You can try bigger maps in the Custom game type...

(1 edit)

Love the game, very addictive, it does mostly capture the essence of a civ game.

I would love to suggest a few tweaks, especially around resource gathering.

Firstly there seems to be no weighting on resource collection, so you could have been waiting for several turns for a resource, only to have the AI swoop past and "steal it", I feel this would be more balanced if it weighted the randomness towards "time spent in square / adjacent square".

I also I feel players should not be able to build towns when adjacent to another conscious player, currently again you could be waiting for several turns to build a town in a square only for the AI to swoop in and builds a town next to you. Combat here is very lack lustre, as if you both have swords, what should be a draw, actually results in the AI winning as it can still build a town as they are not impediment-ed by the draw. If they were forced to knock you unconscious it would give them motive to attack you, and make it a fairer fight. An alternative would be to ban both sides from building a town after a drawn fight, to make either side move off or pursue etc.

Lastly I feel towns / cities should attack opposite players in a similar fashion to monsters, forcing the AI when it's camping your resources (which again seems to have a favoured weighting against a town) to defend using swords, or be knocked unconscious.

Weighting resource collection by how long you've stood there:  Very interesting!  I hadn't thought of that.  How would it weight buildings, which stand there the whole time?  That logic for collection probability is already fairly complicated, but I'm interested in thinking about this suggestion more.

I agree that combat is lacklustre!  I'm planning on reworking it (yet again!) but don't have a concrete plan yet.  Your ideas here are interesting, but I've been very careful to try to keep everything as streamlined as I can and avoid introducing special cases, so I'll be hesitant to make building rules more complicated.  I might prefer simplifications like always giving resources to buildings instead of heroes, or something like that.

Towns/cities attacking:  Cool idea - I'll think about this, too.

Thanks so much for your feedback and suggestions!  This is definitely what I need.  If nothing else, then for motivation to keep making improvements.  :)


I liked it, though it does feel like a bad start can make it really difficult to move on. It also felt like it could get repetitive, but that is probably because it can go so fast you can see all of it pretty easily. If people like this they might also like War and Peace by Stephane Bura. It is a simplified one button real-time Civilization.

how to save the game? i press exit game but the game not saved :(

If you have the option checked, the game will autosave (and restore later) if you close the window or refresh the page or something.  If you exit a game, it thinks you're done playing that game and throws that one out.  I can see that being confusing.  Maybe naming that option "Quit Game" would be more clear. 

ok thanks, i know if i close the window, the game will saved, but i i press exit game it not saved xD

Loving it!

Thank you!

Like literally, everything. 

Wow... that's a lot of games played.  :)  I need to add more cards at some point and probably give fewer cards away after games.

Please add more cards.... :)

I have every card in this game B-)


What a splendid game.  Nonstop player action, many thoughtful choices for a small game, lots of exploration.  The levels get harder very appropriately - my first Diety win was a personal triumph.  :)

Thank you so much!  Still working on it, making things better, but I don't have a new build to push up yet.

I almost never win Deity.  To the point where I got really frustrated and took it out of the current development build.  I'm trying to rework the difficulty a little.

I mean, I agree - it's pretty awesome when I do win a Deity game, but sometimes it feels like a Deity loss was completely out of my control, and that's just a drag.  :-/

I don't feel so bad now for feeling the same way.  I still end up playing it, though.

Really addictive. Do any AI/game difficulties have the AI have unfair advantages at all? Like can they see more tiles than the player, or get more / need fewer resources?

Yep!  The AI cheats horribly at the higher levels.  I think at the King level, everything tries to be as fair as possible.  At the Warlord level, the AI is actually dumbed down.  At the Emperor and Deity level, the biggest form of cheating is that the AI has cheaper construction costs.

(2 edits)

I don't think it is possible to get the card with a dog between McGrath and Rin Tin Tin. When you get enough cards, the quantities of horses on the bottom row overflow and show as 65000+/2 (e.g. 65461/2, 65515/2, 65527/2). I think I've been playing this game too much!

Edit: 1 day later got the missing card "Pompey"

(1 edit)

Woops!  That overflowing should definitely not happen.   I will look into that.  Thanks for reporting it!

Also, dang, that must have been a lot of games if you have all the cards!

Edit:  This is fixed in the newest version.  Extra legendary horses wrap over to legendary dogs.

(1 edit)

That seems like hundreds of hours? I haven't got too far yet so idk if you get a lot more later on.
Edit: Or does it just happen when it goes over 2?

When the bottom row goes over 2 and you click on the card, the extra spills over onto the next page (e.g. extra bottom-row dogs give more cat cards), but there must be something broken there.  I've finally got time to look into the reported bug...

And yeah, to get that many cards is a crazy number of games played!

(1 edit)

AMAZING ! Really ! I love civ like games and your game.. WOW ! I love i, the ressource management is nice. The sprites are beatiful ( but the player could be something oder thaan what is is now. But you should implement music and sounds : its very easy to do and make the game much more enyoable. I will stay alert for newer updates !

Just one question  : what software do you use?


Thanks!  Sound is on the to-do list, of course.  I'm working on the game nearly every day and updating on every few weeks.

This is all written in JavaScript using a custom engine.

okay thanks for your reply, I'll stay tuned for further updates !

This is a great game! I've been playing it for a few months now. It's really well though out

Thank you very much!  I continue to work on it and play it myself.  Please feel free to share feedback at



Awesome stuff! I encountered a few small things:
- The Victory Progress screen doesn't go away after returning to the main menu

- The main menu button is un-marked and incorrectly placed(assuming it should be in the top right) on 3440x1440 resolution

- The main menu doesn't pop after winning, and displays behind the win text

Cool - I will fix all that!  Thanks for the notes!


I love it, and would like to see more ! But what exactly, I am not sure...
Maybe more interactions with other players ?

I'd fell that terrains change much to the game... Maybe is ther something to do there ? (Movement, bonus on cities production, or expansion costs)

Yeah, some of the terrain types are technically the same, from a gameplay point of view.  Just to review:

  • mountains, lakes, ocean :  impassable
  • hills : when you stand on one, you can see farther
  • forest, plains, desert : normal

They do produce different resources (e.g. "rare plants" vs. "nomads", but those differences are only visible in tooltips.  :)).  I may make those have some different impact at some point.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

TypeError: a.system.localStorageObject.hasData is not a function c_rat.js:827:213

Hey, thank you for reporting that!  Was that on startup?  What browser were you in?

startup, Waterfox

Thanks.  I've uploaded a new version that I hope avoids that error.  I tested in Waterfox in Windows, but wasn't able to repro the original bug.  If you have a chance to confirm the fix, I'd appreciate it.  And maybe let me know what platform you're on?

didn't fix it, running on win 7,

it does run on chrome on my win 10 work pc.

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